Up-Coming events for the Rusk County Amateur Radio
22 May, RCARC Monthly Meeting - Henderson Fire
Department, Station One, West Main St.
14 – 16 June, VHF QSO Party - For amateurs in the US
and Canada (and their possessions) to work as many amateur stations in as many
different 2 degrees x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using
authorized frequencies above 50 MHz.
26 June, Rusk County Amateur Radio Club Testing Session, with
monthly club meeting to follow the testing session - 6 p.m. Henderson Fire
Department, Station One, West Main St. Let’s talk this up and encourage folks
to take advantage of this testing session to up-grade their license, and
especially let’s get the word out to non-licensed folks that are interested in
getting their amateur license.
28 – 29 June, Field Day - To work as many stations as
possible on any and all amateur bands and to learn to operate in abnormal
situations in less than optimal conditions. The Rusk County Club is planning to have three stations on
the air and we will need operators to man the stations. We will have a HF, 6 Meter, and 2 Meter station set up at
Rusk County EOC Office, located on the North West side of the Rusk
County Court House, in the old county jail building. Make plans now to come out and participate. Everyone is
welcome to take a turn or turns operating the various stations. Be sure to check the RCARC website
http://www.ruskcountyarc.com/ for
updates as we firm up the plans and schedule. Spread the word!
KN5G - Keith